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RocketChat | Fast, Secure, Open Source Communication
RocketChat Update - the Free, Self-hosted, Open Source chat system alternative to Slack and Teams.
Rocket.Chat - The Largest Open-Source Communication Platform
Just use Matrix.
Security and communication on a real 360° hub with Rocket.Chat.
RocketChat - 2019 - An Open Source, Free, Self Hosted, Alternative to Slack and Microsoft Teams
"Nicegram: The Open Source Messenger Ensuring Transparency and Safe Communication"
Why I no longer use a VPN (most of the time) and nor should you
SDS 843: Safe, Fast and Efficient AI — with Protopia’s Dr. Eiman Ebrahimi
Matrix - An Open Network for Secure, Decentralised Communication
Jami - An Open Source, Peer-to-Peer, Audio, Video, Conferencing, Chat, and Screen Sharing System.
Kiosk mode Bruteforce Evasion with Flipper Zero